Eagle Weekly: March 30-April 3 2020

URL: https://midway.libguides.com/eagleweekly

COVID-19 Resources

Counseling Services Available

This time of transition may be particularly difficult for students who have been academically displaced or are encountering other barriers they did not know before. Regardless of your location, you can work with a licensed psychologist here at Midway University.

  • For appointments, contact Gina DeArth, Assistant Professor of Psychology via e-mail at gdearth@midway.edu.

Charter Spectrum Offering Free Internet

Struggling to find reliable internet to complete your coursework? You may be eligible for free internet through Charter Spectrum if you live in Kentucky. Please check with your cellular provider regarding options for free hot spots as well.

  • To enroll in the service call 1-844-488-8395.

Need a Tutor? We can help!

Tutoring is still being offered at a distance by our Midway University peer tutors. If it's math, English, or equine, we have a tutor that can help. Tutors are free and flexible.

Student Success Announcements + Help

Save Your Spot in Summer and Fall Courses

If you haven’t registered for summer or fall coursework, now is the time to do so! Course registration is open for all returning students, and we want you to be able to enroll in the courses you need to keep you on track to degree completion. Check your email for communication from your academic advisor on how to schedule a meeting to discuss and approve your coursework for summer or fall. You can also find your advisor information, course progress, and summer fall course offerings by going to MyMidway > Self-Service > Student Planning. 

Module 4 Withdraw Deadline

Midterms for 8-week Module 4 courses are on Monday, April 6. The deadline to drop a Module 4 course with a “W” is Wednesday, April 8. If you are contemplating withdrawing from a course, please reach out to your academic advisor or Joe Ryan in Student Success to discuss how a withdraw may impact your academic plan.

Petition for Pass / Fail Amidst COVID Transition

The Midway University Faculty met today to discuss the recent student petition regarding moving courses to Pass / Fail. An announcement regarding their decision will go out April 1.

Moodle Announcements + Student Alerts

If you are not engaging in your Moodle courses, you are missing out on valuable information. Please know that if you have not accessed your Moodle courses since March 16th, you will be referred to the Office of Student Success for a follow up. Please let us know how we can help you in this transition.You can do this!

  • Get on Moodle and check your email. Look for an Eagle Weekly to hit your inbox every Monday.

Career Coaching + Job Search

Virtual Eagle Connect - Business

Join Career Services and Certified Financial Planner, Ramsey Bova as she shares her career growth, and her experience in the investment and financial sector. The event is Thursday, April 2nd from 12:30-1:30 EST. Even though this Eagle Connect is happening online, attendees will be able to ask questions and get insights into the world of work from the eyes of one of our university friends.

Career Coaching Appointments with Mackenzie Hanes Available Virtually

Just as your spring semester was beginning to wind down and you were all geared up to write your resume and engage in your job search, you had to move off campus, miles away from your trusted Midway University Career Coach!

Mackenzie Hanes, Director of Career Development is available for virtual coaching appointments.

Career Counseling on the Go via Instagram

Follow @hiremidway on Instagram for career search tips and tricks as well as internship and job postings. Get news you can use right at your fingertips!

Mark Your Calendar: Success Fair goes Virtual

The Success Fair for internships, jobs and grad schools is going virtual and happening on Thursday, April 16th! Check your email for details on registering for the employers/grad schools and internship sites you want to learn more about! Each attendee will be able to have a virtual chat with the different guests.

  • More details will follow. For questions on preparing for this event, please reach out to mhanes@midway.edu.

Academic Help From Little Memorial Library


With all classes shifting to online delivery, it is important that you know the library will continue to be a resource for you.

First of all, you will need to know how contact us.

Michael Garner, Library Director
Email: michael.garner@midway.edu
Phone: (859) 846-5839

Bethany Radcliffe, Reference and Instructional Design Librarian
Email: bradcliffe@midway.edu
Phone: (859) 846-5868
Additionally, both Bethany and I are reachable by Microsoft Teams.

We are available to meet your research and instruction needs.

  • To help you identify and find articles for your classwork
  • To help you locate resources needed to complete coursework

If there are materials that you need from the library, let Michael or Bethany know as soon as you can so that the library can do their best to get it to you when you need it.
The library is all online now, but we are just as eager to help you succeed in your classes. If there is anything else that you need from us, please contact us. We’re here to help!

The Staff of the Little Memorial Library