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General Information


This site is for faculty and students who are teaching or are enrolled in Midway College classes that do not physically meet at the Midway campus. The Little Memorial Library supports and enhances the activities of the college by providing resources, services and instruction that meet the educational and informational needs of students, faculty and staff wherever the programs or courses are located and however they are delivered. If you have any comments or suggestions for this web page, please let us know.


Midway College books and other materials.  You can find books and other materials owned by the Midway College library by searching the library's online catalog. Contact the library either by phone or email and we will mail you the item requested. You also can borrow books from any college or university in Kentucky (with a Midway College ID) and from your local public library.

eBooks.  The library offers free online access to a collection of full-text eBooks provided by EBSCO.

Databases.  The library provides access to a number of databases that can be searched for articles, reports, documents and other information, most of which are full-text.

LibGuides.   LibGuides are subject guides that will assist you in finding the right library resources and web sites for your specific major.


Interlibrary Loan.  Books, articles, and other materials can be borrowed from other libraries. Look for the ILL icon in the toolbars of the various databases to place your requests or contact the library by phone or email. It may take from seven to ten days to receive your materials.

Reference, research and instructional services.  Faculty and students can contact the reference librarian via phone or email for assistance in answering questions, research or library instruction.  The librarians also make visits to the Lexington Campus.

Borrowing from Other Libraries.  Students enrolled in Midway College may go in person to any other academic library in Kentucky to use resources and borrow materials. However, you must have a current Midway College ID card. Call the Office of Student Affairs at (859) 846-5390 to make arrangements to have an ID card made for you. And, remember your local public library.


For general library questions or help with research, contact the library at (859) 846-5316 or during regular business hours.  For technical assistance contact the college help desk.

The library uses a proxy server for user authentication of restricted resources including databases.   If you are having problems accessing databases through the proxy server, the problem may lie with firewall or DNS settings on your home computer or company network.  For more information click here for the proxy server troubleshooting web site.  Problem 1b. is the most common problem.