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Best Practices

A guide that represents the broad range of effective actions and requisite conditions that teachers can establish, to facilitate learning.

Adjunct Faculty Institute 2019

Live Stream Information

Below you will find the streaming and schedule and links to join the live stream Zoom rooms

Time Session JoinURL
9:00am - 11:20pm Sessions 1 and 2
12:30pm - 1:45pm Sessions 3 and 4
2:00pm - 4:00pm Sessions 5 and 6


*Please note - there will be a 15 minute break between sessions 1 and 2 (10:15 - 10:30).   We will keep streaming session live during this break.

Session 1:  Improving Personability and Interaction in Online Courses

In this session, participants will focus on improving personability and interaction within their online courses by establishing instructor, social, and cognitive presence.  By the end of the session, participants will have working knowledge of these three concepts and have gained practical experience incorporating them into a class setting.  The session will use online forms and surveys and encourage participants to work together to brainstorm ideas.

Session 3: Scaffolding for Research Assignments

In this session, learn how librarians can help faculty scaffold research assignments at three key points of the research process: formulating a topic, doing exploratory research and synthesizing information.

Session 5:  What the Best College Teachers Do

What makes a great teacher great? Who are the professors students remember long after graduation? During this interactive session, we will review Ken Bain’s book “What the Best College Teachers Do” and discuss best practices in higher education.