Obviously, a thorough understanding of the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education forms the basis for excellent information literacy instruction. This section of this guide will explore the Framework and encourage reflection on the frames.
As the Introduction to the Framework states, "The Framework is organized into six frames, each consisting of a concept central to information literacy, a set of knowledge practices, and a set of dispositions. The six concepts that anchor the frames are presented alphabetically:
Neither the knowledge practices nor the dispositions that support each concept are intended to prescribe what local institutions should do in using the Framework; each library and its partners on campus will need to deploy these frames to best fit their own situation, including designing learning outcomes. "
Click on the links to the left to explore the frames, knowledge practices and dispositions and to explore how they are applied at Midway University.
Framework for information literacy for higher education. (2015). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.