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Information Literacy

Midway University's Library Resources

Midway University subscribes to most of its databases through the Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL).

Most of our databases are EBSCO products. We also have LexisNexis and ProQuest Career and Technical. For academic videos, we subscribe to Ambrose video and Culture Unplugged. Finally, for upper division classes, we have a pay-per-use subscription to Science Direct. Students must request an article from Science Direct. The request goes to A librarian reviews the request and, if appropriate, purchases the article and releases it to the student. Each Science Direct article costs $25, so we restrict usage of Science Direct to students in upper division Biology, Equine, Nursing and Pre-Professional classes, primarily students working on their senior research project.

Please familiarize yourself with the databases we have here: A-Z Databases.

Midway University has a research guide (subject guide, to use Spring Share's terminology) for each major offered at the University. All research guides follow the same format:

Find News: This section contains RSS feeds from faculty approved trade and academic journals. The purpose of Find News is two-fold. First, it gives students up-to-the-moment news for academic subject. Hopefully this will inspire majors to read about current events in their field. Secondly, these current events might be inspiring when students are trying to decide upon a topic for a class paper.

Find Websites: This section contains at minimum five tabs: Best Bets, Data Sources, Federal, Kentucky and Professional Organizations. Best bets are faculty approved websites that contain credible information on the discipline. Data Sources are web sites that provide statistical information valuable in the discipline. The Federal and Kentucky tabs contain .gov sites. Finally, the Professional Organizations tab lists professional organizations in the discipline.

Find Videos: This section contains links to Ambrose Video and Culture Unplugged.

Find Articles: This section contains links to the databases specifically useful in the discipline. This is the most import section - the one students will use most when doing their research.

Find eBooks: This section contains a link to EBSCO eBooks, where students can search for ebooks on their research topic. Many students are reluctant to use eBooks because reading an entire book for a short paper seems overly time-consuming. We like to note that ebooks are easily searchable, making finding specific information in them very fast. They also contain great works cited pages, that can be mined for additional resources when students are struggling to find information.

Find Books: This section is a link to search for physical books in the Little Memorial Library.

Research Tips: This section contains our online Information Literacy training materials.

Database Tutorials: This section contains video on how to search in our databases.

Please familiarize yourself with our Research Guides.

Midway University also creates Topic Guides for a variety of important research tasks. Please familiarize yourself with the guides above.

Using Midway University's Databases

EBSCO Databases

Most of the databases you will use at Midway University are from EBSCO. They will all have the same layout and search features. The following videos will show you how to perform a basic search and demonstrate some of EBSCO's more advanced features