ChemEd DL includes " resources, tools, and online services ... for teaching and learning chemistry." "The Chemical Education Digital Library Living Textbooks are online textbooks which cover a variety of topics including general and physical chemistry." See the Terms of Use.
"XCITR is a repository for exploring and sharing chemical information teaching resources." To re-use these materials, follow the terms of use.
"PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. We extensively test and evaluate each simulation to ensure educational effectiveness." To re-use these materials, follow the CC BY 3.0 permissions.
Open Chemistry by the University of California - Irvine - Selected courses including required lecture courses for undergraduate UCI Chemistry majors and some electives and graduate courses. Video lectures are licensed CC BY SA 3.0.
The ChemWiki is a collaborative approach toward chemistry education where an Open Access textbook environment is constantly being written and e-written by students and faculty members resulting in a free Chemistry textbook to supplant conventional paper-based books. See also the ChemWiki Core. To re-use these materials, follow the CC BY NC SA 3.0 permissions.